JUDICIARY Latest Features

Justice Gaswaga, Justice Actors Visit Lira Prison

The Resident Judge Lira, Justice Gaswaga Dancun, on Wednesday November, 16, 2022 led a team of justice actors in Lira to visit the Main Prison. The Judge was received by the Ag. Regional Prisons Commander and the new OC Lira Main Prison ASP Asaba Brenda.

The Judge found that the prison has 749 prisoners of whom up to 500 are on remand. He also noted that a number of them are awaiting trial in the High Court.

The Judge sensitized the inmates on the Plea Bargaining and other access to justice measures. He informed the inmates that he is the only Judge in Lira High Court circuit, serving Lango Sub-region. He called on them to remain patient as their concerns will be addressed.

The inmates presented a memorandum to the Judge who assured them that their concerns will be attendedto. 

The Judge was accompanied by The Chief Magistrate Lira HW, Abiti Samson Loum, Senior Magistrate Grade One, HW Jamilar Faidha, the Chief State Attorney Lira,Advocates, OC CIDs of Lira City and Human Rights Officers from Uganda Human Rights Commission.

Posted 16th, November 2022
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